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Thursday, November 05, 2009

Gratitude - the only choice

Just recently I began keeping a gratitude journal.  Until them I never realized how important a role gratitude played in our well being.

It's funny, when we focus on what we do have - and not what is missing - our entire outlook changes.

For example, I began to focus on how great a mood my husband was in and how kind he had been lately.  It had been a long time since I had seen him smile so much.  And the more I noticed it - the happier he seemed to be - and more often!  Hmmm, I thought - maybe this is the key?

So when I sat down to do my bills, I began to get excited that I could pay each one.  And believe it or not I even hurried one day to the post office so I could get the payment in the mail before it went out that day.   Within hours, I received two unexpected jobs come in - that equaled the payment I had just made and more!

So yesterday I looked back.  After completing about 3 weeks of daily recording all the great things that were happening in my life, I realized how lucky and blessed I really was. 

Gratitude is the greatest form of love.  When we focus on what we have - and we are thankful, we are sending out the highest form of energy that exists.  For me it is becoming very exciting.  I have started looking at all the little (and big) things that I have taken for granted for many years.

What we think upon grows.  And even though I have a vision for the future - I can now move forward instead of with impatience -  with gratitude!  It's a much more peaceful place to be!

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