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Thursday, June 30, 2011

I'd rather be a whale!

As much as I love the colour pink, (oh yes all who know me know I love pink), I have decided I would never want to be a salmon - pink or otherwise!  In fact I would rather be a whale!  ( I can just hear Simon and Garfunkel singing - "Not a salmon but a whale")

Let me explain.  I have spent my entire life acting like a salmon.  Swimming upstream.  Working myself to death - just like salmon do.  Swimming against the current, fighting the rush of water over the falls and jumping uphill to reach my destination.  All along the banks people are pointing - "look at her go!"  "Wow she has so much energy!"  What they did not realize is that I was headed (with much energy and exertion) in the wrong direction!

It has taken me 50 years to realize that swimming with the current is much easier - and will get me to my destination before I am worn out.  As they say - go with the flow.  (for once 'THEY' are right).

I was reading a great article by Dr. Robert Anthony about swimming upstream.  This is not a great idea - especially when your destination is really downstream!  The problem is that we have been taught all our lives that 'life is hard'.  "Nothing good comes easy".  "You have to work hard to get ahead".  Recognize any of these?

Reflecting back on my life - everything that I have received or achieved came very easily to me!  In fact, I felt like I was cheating.  I too thought life should be hard.  When I won awards - I thought "Wow , they must have made a mistake - I never worked hard for that!"

How silly.

Yes, I have given up being a salmon.  I am gonna be a whale.  Whales swim to warmer waters in the winter and cooler waters in the summer.  (how smart!)

This does not mean we should look for the easy way out of things - but means that when we go with the 'flow' - the universe will support us and speed us on our journey.

So you might say I have decided to have a 'whale' of a time in life.  My only job is to know the direction - and then go with the flow!  How easy is that?

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