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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The four magic words of business

Really - Four Magic Words.

When I was small, I clearly remember my parents asking me for the ‘magic word’. I am sure as I raised my children that I too asked them for the magic word when they asked me for something. And the word was magic – because you knew if Mom asked you for the magic word, her answer to your question was likely yes. So 'please' became a natural part of our vocabulary.

In business there are magic words that we sometimes say but may rarely consider. When was the last time you focussed on ‘service’ instead of commerce? It’s true that commerce is the result of ongoing transactions within an organization – but s this the only thing that our businesses are reduced to?

How can I serve? Magic words in more ways than one.

A customer hears “how can I help you” on a regular basis – but rarely hears the question “how can I best serve your needs today?” It is hard to imagine anyone wanting to serve in this day and age. It seems that we regard serving as beneath us. Business has been reduced to the exchange of goods and services for a fee.

“How can I serve?” changes everything.

It changes:

• How we look at our business
• Our attitude
• Our willingness to do what it takes
• Focuses on helping and not exchange of services for a fee

Asking how you can serve another focuses on the pay it forward attitude not the “what can I get mentality”

Serving another is the most spiritual connection we can make with another human being. It keeps us humble and sets an entirely different and non-competitive tone to business. When we serve we - do our best. True service is offered in the spirit of love.

Just think how those magic words can change your business. When no longer focussed on making money – we are rewarded monetarily and serve with joy. Adding the service mindset to any position – whether it is your own business or a business you work for brings the joy and contentment back into our work.

So tell me – How can I best serve you?

If you are looking for coaching please contact us for more information.


Caroline Lawrence said...

Thank you , Mandie . I want to learn more to serve with love. As you have been pouring out your heart for some many.
Love, Caroline

Katherine said...

I totally 'get this'. However, I'd like to add something someone taught me to do as well:
In serving you best, how can I also serve my 'self'best?
I believe the Universe supports us while we are serving others, ourselves and the Universe.

Carolyn Cooper-McOuatt said...

I appreciate you sharing this truth. We all need a reminder that this is the reason we are in business. When we get clear on our gifts in how we best serve we experience such freedom to define our ideal clients and know when we meet and connect with them. The journey is one of authentic contribution of service and gratitude because we both experience clear rewards and results.

Mandie we in the Roaring Women community appreciate your willingness to be bold and strong while sharing your insights, knowledge and wisdom of business strategies and life lessons. You help guide us on our path to building our businesses with a strong foundation.

Linda Rasmussen said...

Great article....I have found that if I focus FIRST on how I can serve someone (whether they are a client or not), it comes back 10 fold to me. Sales comes as a result of about building relationships and trust. Service is what does that.

Associated with this is the concept of "servant leadership" which connects service to leadership. The greatest leaders are those who do the greatest service to others.

Thanks for the reminder! Linda